Another tour de force by Whitney Webb:
Make sure to read Webb’s The Rise of Jamie Dimon. Bravest journalist around.
The same powerful players who brought Jeff Epstein to prominence were largely responsible for the rise of JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon…
If you remember, the Glass-Steagall Act had to be repealed in 1999 so that Sandy Weill could become a billionaire. It’s been pretty much downhill ever since.
The Federal Reserve forced the hand of Congress in 1999 to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act by approving the merger of Travelers and Citicorp – creating the mega bank Citigroup that flaunted the law.
Jamie Dimon was an acolyte of Sandy Weill.
Under the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, banks holding insured deposits were not allowed to be affiliated with Wall Street investment banks and brokerage firms — which have a storied history of stock frauds, abusing their customers, and blowing up. That protection was removed when President Bill Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on November 12, 1999, the legislation that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act. After protecting the nation for 66 years, it took just 9 years after its repeal for Wall Street to implode, taking the U.S. economy with it.
Bill Clinton and his Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin, ushered in the era of the financial supermarket that has trapped America in a time warp of 1920s-style abuses on Wall Street and the income and wealth inequality that it has spawned. Rubin had the audacity to head straight for Citigroup’s Board after stepping down as U.S. Treasury Secretary, collecting $126 million in compensation over the next decade.
Sandy Weill’s co-CEO John Reed, who apparently has a conscience, said this in 2012:
Sandy Weill. I mean, his whole life was to accumulate money. And he said, ‘John, we could be so rich.’ Being rich never crossed my mind as an objective value. I almost was embarrassed that somebody would say out loud.
Here’s another brave journalist, Pam Martens, testifying against the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1998:
We were warned, but Phil Gramm, Larry Summers, Bob Rubin, Alan Greenspan and a bunch of other financial war criminals won.
For those who still believe in either major party - are you aware that in 2016 AND 2020, BOTH the Democratic & Republican party platforms called for the return of Glass-Steagall? We all know the chance of this happening is exactly 0% (zero percent). We are constantly lied to.
The only problem with Webb is the facts she provides can be overwhelming - and demoralizing - for some (e.g., The Ends Justify the Means).
Webb names names - feel free to check out her claims. I have. The criminal networks she describes are real, it’s just that no one in power cares (or is complicit). Easier for most to just ignore it all. Our abysmal MSM certainly has, with very few exceptions.
Remember what Cindy McCain said:
"Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one — no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him."
Samuel Pisar, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather, is mentioned several times in Webb’s latest.
Samuel Pisar was the Maxwell family's "long-trusted attorney." Based in Paris, Pisar "had become one of [Robert] Maxwell's few confidants and probably his closest business adviser. He had helped pave Maxwell's entry into Israel's business community."
Pisar was one of the last people to speak to [Robert] Maxwell, by phone, probably an hour before the chairman of Mirror Group Newspapers fell off his luxury yacht the Lady Ghislaine on 5 November, 1991.
This 2019 Le Parisien article mentions Pisar as well (translated): Epstein affair: the millionaire's many links with France
The same address book contains the names of Parisian palaces and top restaurants where the millionaire had his habits. The frequency and duration of his stays in France also required daily logistics. Several household employees are listed, as well as the basic services for a VIP of this type - car rental, cabs, etc. - as well as lawyers, including Me Stéphane Coulaux, at the time a member of the Berlioz law firm. “I never met him," he says. But in fact, we were his family office, as they say in the jargon, in charge of current affairs.
It was Samuel Pisar, a writer and survivor of the death camps, a former economic advisor to Kennedy, who acted as an intermediary between Epstein and the firm. "A character whose address book was on a completely different level than that of Epstein," notes Mr. Coulaux. Yet he was for a long time in close contact with Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
Jean-Luc Brunel is also mentioned:
The most extensive entry in the booklet is the one devoted to Jean-Luc Brunel. A figure in the Parisian modeling industry, the head of two agencies, MC2 and Karins Model, who several of Epstein's victims claim that he and his friends, including Brunel, used him to recruit potential prey. The same victims implicated Next Models, a heavyweight in the modeling industry with which Brunel was also associated, and with whom Epstein knew Laurenzo Pedrini, then one of the Parisian executives of this international agency.
Here is Diane Sawyer on 60 Minutes exposing Jean-Luc Brunel, in 1988. Only took the cops 32 years to catch up:
Maxwell, Epstein, Brunel…lots of “suicides” in this group.
Also mentioned: Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief
Jamie Dimon is a dangerous guy. (Check out Turn Off Your Tape Recorders.)
Webb also talks about CBDC’s, and her suspicion that a “controlled-demolition” of the financial system is planned (for the benefit of the survivors - the TBTF banks.)
I’m again reminded of Fabio Vighi’s description of the March 2020 meltdown (which was presaged by the September 2019 meltdown):
The mainstream narrative should therefore be reversed: the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing.
Chris Leonard describes what happened in September 2019, long before Covid:
The events of the following Monday showed that the Fed’s New York trading team was essentially flying blind in the age of ZIRP. This meant that the entire leadership team of the Fed, including Jay Powell, was also flying blind. The central bank had transformed the financial landscape by swamping it with money and in doing so had destroyed one monetary regime and replaced it with a new one. But there was no reliable instrument to measure the terrain of the new regime.
This fact was made a stark reality on Monday, when the repo market blew up. The resulting market crisis almost became a full-fledged financial crisis, at a moment in history when the markets were supposed to be stable and in good health. The only reason that this didn’t happen was that the Fed stepped in, almost instantaneously, and initiated a $400 billion bailout. This bailout was unprecedented, and it benefitted a small group of hedge funds that had essentially hijacked the repo market and used it as a vehicle to make risky bets. The Fed saved them from the consequences of those bets.
But maybe the most remarkable part of the bailout is that the Fed did it without much notice. A $400 billion emergency cash injection was no longer news. The Fed described it as a matter of normal maintenance. But that’s not how it looked from inside the Fed, as the repo market melted down.
"Some people talk about the Federal Reserve coming in and spending all this money to support the credit markets and to inject liquidity into the system - it was not meant for middle-class America. It was not. This was bailing out many of these billion-dollar hedge funds..."
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
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Thank you so much for featuring my interview with Whitney Webb. I'm really grateful and love your newsletters. Miss you on Twitter! Keep up the great honest work. Still hoping for an interview with you on my show! Ready when you are -- Natalie Brunell
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