That's a Nobel Prize moment.

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100% Helicopter Ben. 🧐

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The Internet is a very inconvenient archive for people who are full of crap.

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Yes, which is why it's tragic that so much digital history has been apparently forever scrubbed - particularly videos - over the past couple decades.

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Yellen and Bernanke are smarter than all of us put together. We need to respect our betters.

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I've learned over the years that some people considered experts - particularly in the soft "sciences" - while very book smart, can be utterly clueless.

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I like to call them "institutionalized" academia. Never ran a business and/or never worked a day in their life in the real world we peasants live. I have the same experience they are "clueless".

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why the need for the supefluous "or less" , so many numbers are less than 2

remember the video "the bernank" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k

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Is this why we all say "100 percent now"? I'm going to really try to stop.

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