Apr 27, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

They no longer even bother to hide the corruption anymore, its right in our faces, out in the open.

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Hubris precedes their downfall.

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My eldest brother was chief compliance officer for Citigroup 2008-2015 iirc

In the Summer of 2009 we were at a family gathering for my dad's birthday. My brother was on a long conference call with Vikram Pandit. After he got done, I asked him about the robosigning scandal. I mentioned the figures for Citigroup fraudulently transferring mortgages in Florida. My brother said that Citigroup didn't robosign as many as Countrywide or others. I will never understand this view.

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It was likely a Consortium call of the big 5 (Citi, GMAC, BofA, Chase, Wells). I was on those calls. Everyone was robosigning....even though they all got TARP funds they starved their servicing operations and refused to hire qualified folks. Bonuses got paid though. No one should have been robosigning an affidavit - aka a sworn personal statement.

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What is called robosigning is actually the fraudulent conveyance of property. Each count is criminal at the felony level. No one was arrested.

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What's unfortunate is that I got pulled in to manage the team who had been robosigning those documents because their managers told them it was fine....many of them were stalked, harassed, property damage, etc. But no one who told them to do that got in trouble. Really sad.

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Been a while since I wrote on this. Like a dozen+ years. I was never in the trenches like you but I paid attention.

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I literally had to help people who made less than $60K a year file police reports because their bosses gave them a procedure and they followed it.

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Kind of like pointing out that Jeffrey Dahmer did not kill as many people as Ted Bundy.

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Yes. I found it. . . disappointing.

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Those laminated cards with the canned questions that Biden was photographed with are no doubt standard operating procedure for Fed press conferences as well, except Powell would never position himself so they can be seen. And this isn’t news on any msm outlet that I know of. The MSM has become propaganda.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

A propos of the Ben Hunt opening quote - my moment of radicalisation was sometime in 2020 when I came across your twitter feed - not meant as false flattery simply a fact - thank you for what you do.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

"Invest and then investigate"....

NB this does not apply to illiquid investments.

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"Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people. Lacking any other purpose in life, it would be good enough to live for their sake."

— Garrison Keillor

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You should see the cheat sheets I used to prepare.....these career politicians want you to tell them how to answer questions such as "Did you have a good trip"? give a little local color so they seem observant....

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'New bipartisan bill would let the U.S. Mint alter the metal content of coins to save money'. What have the Romans done for us.

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"U-G-L-Y! You ain't got no alibi!

YOU'RE UGLY! (Whoooooo!)

I SAID YOU'RE UGLY!" ~ cnbc spokesmodels

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