Whenever I see this in my Inbox, it’s the first thing I read. Never disappoints! I’d love your take on the popularity of “Rich Men North of Richmond”. A friend shared the NY Slime’s take on it today and it would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. The elites have no earthly idea what most Americans are feeling or thinking.

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I honestly have stayed out of that fray. I have so many other fish to fry. I did post this https://twitter.com/RudyHavenstein/status/1204542069311623170

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Aug 23, 2023Edited
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Nothing surprises me anymore

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You're like a one man orchestra lol I used to think your account was run by a bot farm because there was always so much hilarious content. Thanks for bringing some humor to an otherwise depressing topic.

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Very nice podcast. My wife’s best friend’s husband is a high-level guy in multi family. He is a really nice, down to earth dude. a few years ago we were at a wedding and began chatting about his industry. He said current real estate investors were buying properties at a 2-3% cap rate (maybe slightly higher). Since im not a finance guy he walked me though how one arrives at a cap rate of 3%. When he finished describing the process I said to him with a puzzled look on my face, “the price people are willing to pay seems way too high.” His response, “it’s absolutely insane.”

Keep up the good work.

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Rudy one of your best. On JFK, and I note you think Dulles is involved too, I highly, highly recommend Rich Man’s Trick https://www.bitchute.com/video/vsT4rOS03wXi/. It’s long - starts with Robber Baron profiteering of WW2 and outlines the formation of the ‘elites’ and the creation of the CIA (which is the reason I think JFK was murdered - he wanted to ended profitable wars and the CIA who were creating them). The section on how the assassination was organised, who was involved (Dulles brothers, Hoover, Bushes, and others) and how it was carried out is extremely credible and supported with photo and old film evidence and interviews of the day, including the mortician’s wife, a girlfriend of one of the mafia guys and others involved - if I remember there were 8 snipers. Lots of links between these men and men in the mafia (they all had ‘fixers’) one being Woody Harrelson’s father.

(The creator of the above documentary also discusses 9/11 and his conclusions are less well-supported with evidence, but that’s not to say he doesn’t present facts which make one wonder. . . Like you have said, no answers but lots of questions)

Another conversation I listened to recently was this one: https://www.youtube.com/live/gub0KTle6f8?feature=share with JKF author Hornberger - he claims Life Magazine was headed by a CIA asset (hence why Life Mag didn’t comment on the delay in getting the footage) plus the claim that Kodak had a CIA research lab which was state of the art of the day for editing footage (the motorcade footage was edited - also demonstrated in the documentary above).

That footage of Tom Hanks as Captain Philips never fails to move one - sadly a perfect allegory for the state of our beautiful country - except we haven’t defeated the pirates yet.

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You're on fire!

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They have been trying to roll this out since Swine Flu . Find the old 60 minutes on Swine flu , there has never been a study of unvaxxed vs vaxxed because they are afraid .

When I was in grade school 1969 , we didn't have all these sick people , autism/ allergies / asthma / ADHD

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The 1976 Democratic platform provides a bright example of how far they have drifted from the principles they still claim to espouse Both parties are now comprised of 95%self serving grifters. Robert Kennedy would attack the core of our problems head on. I would vote for him cheerfully, a rare opportunity to vote for person with substance and integrity

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"...maybe a guy like Sternlicht goes bankrupt..."

Only in an alternate reality, the solution has been there for decades but the personnel to implement has been absent. My go to has always been that when progress stops within a system, only a paradigm shift or new system will allow the resumption of progress. There are no individuals at the decision-making level in our leadership that thinks this way, therefore: decay.

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Rudi read JFK v Allan Dulles

(Battle Ground Indonesia)

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Got it! I definitely think Dulles was involved in the assassination.

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Kennedy was killed for blocking Israels acquisition of Nuclear weapons, there was some resentment for bay of pigs built up, but M0554d, wanted him for the pressure he was placing on that issue, all Presidents since have been hat wearing wall wailers.

King was shot once he wasn't just a Black Rights guyand begun talking against the Vietnam war, he started to say working class Whites as well as Blacks are also the meat for the Zio-War-grinder.

Very bad to resist Bankster zio-war and to unite across therace divide on the issue. Dullus & intel guys were already trying to stoke race hate on King with white prostitute stories, they went for the remove option. Zionism was very into the public assasination ruse during those years, now they kill more slyly.

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"Every society is only three meals away from chaos," said Lenin.

I don't think people realize how close we are , the left vs right schism will not be repaired , instead it will exacerbated .

Civil war in 2024

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I hope not.

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I don't think anyone wants one but I'm getting ready for one . requiring masks and pushing boosters doesn't help . I think the oligarchs want to double dip on the last small businesses left standing .

"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

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You don't have any rights , you have privileges . They took all our rights away on 9/11 , no more habeas corpus .

What good is a constitution if the government doesn't follow it ?

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Aug 23, 2023
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No, just not going the violent route

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Aug 23, 2023
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It's one reason i rail against war so much. We've wasted many trillions. I support productive debt but don't see much of that. Also private debt has exploded in part because of inflation. People trying to keep up.

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