He compares "missing" the inflation target with a company missing its sales target. Ridiculous.
Now that they have exceeded the 2% target, maybe the target should be 0% for a few years to bring it back down. Of course, it's an asymmetric policy and they would never do that.
This is why I started doing this. Hard working people HAVE NO IDEA that creatures like Bullard exist, and the incredible power they have to f*** up peoples' lives. If all Americans saw this video, and understood it, I can't believe the Fed would last long. Ultimately it's Congress' fault - they created this Frankenstein.
Just like This Time Is Different by Reinhardt and Rogoff. Once debt/GDP gets > 100%, governments either default or inflate the debt away. It’s happening right in front of our very eyes. 💩
I personally prefer a mic and speaker to headphones but each to their own - I just use my laptop camera - I did buy an external ring light - IMO don't buy the cheapest but you can get decent quality at a reasonable price these days but above all don't rely on me for technology tips ;-)
He compares "missing" the inflation target with a company missing its sales target. Ridiculous.
Now that they have exceeded the 2% target, maybe the target should be 0% for a few years to bring it back down. Of course, it's an asymmetric policy and they would never do that.
This is why I started doing this. Hard working people HAVE NO IDEA that creatures like Bullard exist, and the incredible power they have to f*** up peoples' lives. If all Americans saw this video, and understood it, I can't believe the Fed would last long. Ultimately it's Congress' fault - they created this Frankenstein.
And Congress is too collectively ignorant to understand the degree of their own ignorance to understand.
“We’d like to see someone else try it first; but we’re going to do it anyways.” FFS.
Do you think this guy even knows he’s someone else’s useless idiot?
"You lose credibility..." That ship sailed a long time ago.
Just like This Time Is Different by Reinhardt and Rogoff. Once debt/GDP gets > 100%, governments either default or inflate the debt away. It’s happening right in front of our very eyes. 💩
As if anyone believes the inflation numbers. Groceries and gas always seeming to rising faster for some reason.
IT advances and progresses far more quickly than I do....
I'm used to having smarter people than me around
That's my default state....
Agreed Rudy - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2022-05-05/mbmg-group-s-gambles-on-global-markets-strategy-video?sref=3ULs2uPI
Maybe I'll get one of those podcast setups. Any microphone/camera/headphone recommendations
You definitely should
I personally prefer a mic and speaker to headphones but each to their own - I just use my laptop camera - I did buy an external ring light - IMO don't buy the cheapest but you can get decent quality at a reasonable price these days but above all don't rely on me for technology tips ;-)
LOL, even though I've worked with computers for decades I'm kind of a Luddite.
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy... you're a pickle!