A corollary to Teilhard de Chardin's comment is that we are not bodies which have souls, we are souls which animate bodies. Which is how it comes to be that some have out of body experiences and others have near death experiences.

There is a consciousness in control of the universe. It is God the Father Almighty creator of heaven and earth. If you want to understand many of these phenomena, read the Bible. It explains much.

Jesus encounters demons in many passages in the Bible. If you follow Him, you have power over them. He gave power to us to cast out demons. Which is as simple as saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command all demons to go from this place forever." And they go.

I know. I have done it.

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I, too, have been a life-long student of the odd and the inexplicable. It began out of necessity, in my case, as I thought I might be approaching madness. These brushes with the ether began when I was very young; as a young Baptist kid raised quite literally "in the brush", I have experienced things in the sky, near the ground, on the ground, and in buildings. I have witnessed things that Cannot Be, yet they were...fortunately in some instances I was not alone.

Dad's sage advice, after an incident that he and another adult were also witness to, was to keep it to myself..."They will think you a liar or touched."

Since those early days I have been trained as a soldier, a scientist, and now a grizzled old incredulous guy that is certain a) we're being psyoped by supernatural powers, b) some of what we've seen are "biological", and c) some are quite simply Signs and Wonders. I have so many remarkable experiences I would share, but I shan't hijack your Note, and after all, I would likely sound like a "nut."...and I think that's part of their plan.

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Thank you for sharing. I do hope you share more one day. I also have had some weird things happen, also confirmed by family. I’m not sure how anyone can walk this Earth and say that it makes truly any logical sense.

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Sorry, I'm playing catch-up today; I will trade you, an experience of mine for one of yours.

As a kid of perhaps 12 or 13, I had a couple of bizarre nocturnal incidents, that I shan't go into detail about, on consecutive nights. At that point in my hayseed life I hadn't read about succubi. The next couple of evenings were more terrifying, as I experienced what I have later learned to be commonly called "night terrors/sleep paralysis", although I can still recall the smell of dust on the ceiling of my bedroom, having FLOATED slowly to that elevation, unable to move or scream, and quite certain I was dying.

It was then that it began; for months afterwards, randomly, my bed would SHAKE. I mean, wake you up in the middle of the night. Most terrifying was that the source of this seemed possessive of intelligence. When I would jump out of bed, or slowly roll over the edge of the bed to peer underneath it...it would stop. This went on for probably six or seven months. I wondered if I were going mad. I finally confided in my Dad, as the sleep deprivation was worse than any imagined reaction of his. We set a "trap" for it...I left my door open, and Dad sat quietly in the dark, down the hallway, waiting. Nothing happened. Until He went into another room and briefly turned a light on. Then as he returned, it stopped. Understand, these were not mere tremors, but shaking loud enough that it made noise with my old wooden bed frame.

One day, it stopped. The end.

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Shamans are likely more useful than scientists when trying to grok Fortean phenomenon, especially when nonhuman intelligence is a factor. Also, judging from the experience of Keel especially, it's important not to be sucked in too deeply by it. Accept that we will not have answers, perhaps ever, and go on with life. Some mysteries are best left mysterious.

Fascinating stuff though.

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100%. It sometimes seems that the more one looks into it the less they really know.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

I am firmly in the skeptical and uninterested camp. Both with respect to alien space visitors and survival of consciousness. Just a distraction.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

1. Reason magazine is a 3-letter agency shit-rag.

2. My eldest son and I saw dark triangle with a few lights along its edges, hover silently directly above our home. No doubt it was military, but it was still breathtaking.

3. My father’s second wife was once photographed with a “tentacled creature” directly above her head. No one saw it at the time, and none of the photographers or developers we had look at it or the negative could explain it.

4. This world we’re sold ain’t what we believe.

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1. Yes, I just used that as an example of the type of attack serious inquiry gets.

2. I think there is a mix of military and non-military

3. Many accounts of things like this

4. It's a weird universe(s)

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

I found myself in a Colorado mountain town cemetery over the weekend, viewing the Potter's Field that was recently fenced off with small white crosses for the 59 resting places for the nameless souls. Turns out a mining company nearby let the town use their equipment a few years ago to confirm the burials with no markers that had been rumored for years. One small sample of how the unknown is multiples of our collective truth, I'm amazed every time another civilization is found in a remote jungle somewhere dispelling so much of what we always imagined came before us.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Never having experienced anything of this sort, I read it all with a modest sense of wonder and amusement. However, given the law of large numbers, it is inconceivable that there isn't other intelligent life in the universe. after all, how many millions of other planets exist at an appropriate distance from their respective suns where life could germinate. I would say many millions.

Now, are any of them close enough that they can reach us here in our little corner of the universe? another question entirely.

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I have a couple minor incidents I can think of, which could have been just my own misinterpretation of things.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

So much of the reaction to these things/events seems (to me) to come from a place of arrogance that WE are their reason for being here. Maybe we’re just in their way, or mildly irritating to them?

I always thought it was kind of funny that we would think they would have some sort of human features…..I mean, why would they even need to “appear” to us at all?

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PS: More More High Strangeness, please! It is soothing in this age to see evidence of just how Not In Control we are. As Mr. Davidson has mentioned, I am quite certain that much of this, perhaps all of it, is covered in scripture.

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May I retort? It may be that they are here, and it's like explaining particle physics to my dog, or better, an ant. My Golden has lots of interaction with me so we're ants. If they are here, why not land on the WH lawn and reveal it/them selves to all? all? Klaatu barada nikto.

They would do us a favor by conquering us before we kill ourselves and foul this beautiful nest. Maybe leave a cookbook, To Serve Man.

Otherwise all these tales of anal probes in trailer parks, other than PRC tests for Covid, are made up BS. If I was the Capo de Tutti Capi of aliens, I'd round up the FED and publicly what? Tar and feather them as a warning to everyone? Lagarde? Schwab? Bono? Gates? All visitors to Jeff's Isle o'fun? I call BS.

Nobody would be so weird as to be this ephemeral and hard to prove to travel a millionlight years just to fuck with us with weird shit.

What about that question mark Hubble "just found?" Make a big splash and vaporize Cheyenne Mountain. THAT we woud understood.

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I tend to think maybe they haven't had to travel at all.

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Quite laconic, I must say...why didn’t they kill off Lucy and Homo Habilis, Erectus, and Sapiens 10k years ago? Why would anyone let us evolve into what we are unless it’s like keeping goldfish until you get tired of them and then flush them down the toilet?

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I don't think they necessarily want to or are even able to destroy us. Perhaps they are also a type of "goldfish."

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Remote viewing cannot be explained away, we have lost the art of our psychic powers, and perhaps that's one of the reasons we might be subjugated by advanced ET colonialists.



the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

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