Unfortunately, Ella Irwin has further eroded my “trust” in Twitter. The fact that Elon hired such a person says all we need to know about his real attitude toward free speech.

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Calling for nuclear war is fine but don't post a 10 second music snippet. Then you get the death penalty.

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That's quite a quote from RFK Jr. Not a big fan of the Kennedy family but I might have to take a look at what he's all about.

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I think Ted disappointed a lot of people. JFK is looking better and better over time, especially in comparison to what came after his state murder.

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It all went downhill after JFK, that much is certain. I am not sure how many of the miseries of the 60s and 70s would have been avoided if he had lived but I suspect the world would have been far better overall.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Author

Just Vietnam alone - the Iraq of the 1960's and 1970's - which might not have come to pass if he hadn't been overthrown, was horrific.

"If America’s soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read “Vietnam.”" - Martin Luther King, April 4, 1967

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Thank you for the mentions! This post is fantastically packed! Remember talking to a stupid BlackRock analyst in 2008 that Cerberus brought in for the valuation and screaming at them on a 2am phone call about the difference between face value and market value of a once $29M security that was now worth almost 0 (and all I can think about when looking at that notional schedule). So much of my life I will never get back. But, anyhoo - the quote: "Never going to happen here because Microsoft's here and Amazon's here" is all I've been hearing on Twitter, from industry insiders and on the road, but so many of those projects are paused or cancelled. The CONfidence these folks have is unreal...but a lot of it is just self-preservation and denial. And that 40-year mod program....anyone that qualifies will likely not make it another year. FHA is government-sponsored subprime...whatever its intentions are. EXCELLENT POST.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Debt, inflation and war - history shows without exception it’s a deadly cocktail - RFK jr painted the picture. Pity the powerful have insatiable appetites and egos to match. https://youtu.be/WtLIrAVzxhw

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Great post, honestly didn't know about Clarida, i'm sure his music is ... interesting.

RFKjr is actually an amazing human being, in a just world, acknowledging the imperfection of previous kennedys, he would make a legitimate run for president in a real left/progressive party. Then again parties are bullshit, we should just write him in.

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I really like RFK JR. I may not agree with everything, but that's ok. Good idea. Maybe I'll write him in (don't tell Jim Grant).

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Day after day, year after year...monetary policy mistakes etched further in stone and boot crushed harder on bone...

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Ella is striving!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Goldman accounts for 60% (~$3T) of all exchange-traded options positions held by banks? This catch anyone else’s eye?

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Just yours. Wow. No other category seems to have such a dominant player. And to think - Goldman would've gone bankrupt in 2008 if it hadn't magically become a bank. Good ol' Hank Paulson, Goldman CEO to the end.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

Build his own log cabin -- takes 5-minute showers. A giant, bestriding the Earth!

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Now he works for Xi.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Rudy Havenstein

That FT article on El Salvador could not have been more smug. Maybe they should take a deeper look at the criminals deciding monetary policy and running the country at home. Why the hate for a tiny Latin American country?

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How much of the Fed MBS is non-performing? I thought all this stuff like TARP was just toxic shit. Do they hold it for yield? Imagine having to write that off the balance sheet.

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I hear that if they marked their holdings to market the Fed would lose a trillion, but they don't have to, so the main effect will likely be no more fun coupons to the US Treasury for a while.

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