Keep dropping MOABs

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Many Meritage sites were completely shut down on my travels....

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You caused me to imagine Morrisey singing with Cramer's '80s home 3/4s perm! Thank you! Happy weekend, Sir.

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That Smith's is dope. I was missing your presence on Twitter and my friend reminded me of it yesterday. I would often share your tweets with him and he doesn't exactly have receptors for that wavelength, but, anyway, today I subscribed and glad I did.

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Thank you!

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It’s amazing to me the knock-on effects of the inevitable refinancing cycle (at significantly higher interest rates) are not striking the fear of god into more money/investment managers - it’s not like we haven’t had bank failures, corporate bankruptcies or other red flags. Reminds me of Chris Hedge’s line, ‘optimism that is not grounded in reality isn’t hope, it’s fantasy.’

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"Here is where I remind you that the Federal Reserve was buying mortgage-backed securities even as house prices were rising 20%+ year-over-year nationally."

So, what you're saying is that if they sold their $2.5T stake, home prices might reach a level of affordability for the other 95%? Someone, somewhere can rationalize our continued decision making to the benefit of the 5%, and that person probably has an account on Twitter and goes to parties with the likes of Jimmy and Krugman...

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How can someone look at those sentiment charts and deny we’re already in a recession?

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